All About Brows
Microblading is a modern form of permanent cosmetics in which the technician uses a hand held tool to manually create hyper-realistic hair strokes. While microblading is a permanent service, results typically last 1-3 years depending on skin type and aftercare compliance.
Ombrè/powder brows are a type of semi-permanent makeup technique, similar to microblading. Using a specialised machine, hundreds of tiny dots of pigment are placed under the skin. The effect is a soft yet full finish that looks like you’ve filled in your brows with powder – without spending all that time in the mirror each morning. Who is a good candidate for this? Clients with more mature skin or Oily/large pores are best suited for this service. Also, clients who want a more "makeup/filled in" look.
The healing process typically takes a complete 4-6 weeks. Minor swelling and irritation is normal, and the brows will appear darker than normal for 2-5 days. It is normal for the color to flake off and appear softer and less visible during the healing process, but the pigment will reappear in the following days.
Before your appointment, please be sure to avoid blood thinners, alcohol, ibuprofen, and any other pain relievers 24-48 hours before your appointment. Caffeine the day of the procedure may increase discomfort levels and blood flow. Exercising before the brows are done flaking will result in poor healed results. Retin A and fish oil must be stopped at least 10 days prior to the service. Botox administered within three weeks before the appointment will result in a reschedule. It is not advised to have your brows done before a vacation.
While everyone's pain tolerance varies, I numb my clients with topical numbing cream, and I use another numbing solution throughout. I try to keep you as numb as possible throughout the procedure. Most clients say it is not nearly as painful as expected.
Proper aftercare will save your pigment from fading. Typically, microblading will last 1-3 years. This however, can be affected by the use of harsh topical skin care around the area, unprotected UV exposure, and improper aftercare.
I provide each of my clients an in-depth brow mapping and analysis. We will both work together to outline the perfect shape of brow that compliments both your facial structure and your personal style.
Receiving a permanent cosmetic procedure should be considered carefully and thoughtfully through. Any pigment being placed under the skin is permanent. There are a few different ways to lighten and lessen the pigment, however the results are never guaranteed and can be very damaging to the skin. Do not go into an appointment with the thought that it is reversible.
Please be advised that microblading is a form of tattooing and there are some medical conditions and medications that prevent clients from getting the service. If you have any questions, please email or call. Occasionally, a doctor's note can be accepted for special cases. Permanent cosmetics services cannot be performed if you are:
Pregnant or breastfeeding.
Under the age of 18.
Taking immunosuppresion medication/have been diagnosed with an immune disorder.
Have any active infection.
Have an upcoming surgery within 4 weeks.
Taking blood thinning medication.
Taking adderall.
Noncompliant with aftercare instructions.
Commonly suntan.
Currently taking painkillers, street narcotics, or have drinking problems.
Taking krill oil/fish oil.
Have an undiagnosed/untreated heart issues.
Have taken antibiotics in the past 30 days.
Have tendency to keloid.
Have had peels/laser/microneedling within the past four weeks.
Have taken accutane in the past year.
Have had laser resurfacing in the past year.
Have had botox injections on the forehead within 3 weeks.
At high risk of infection/must take antibiotics during dental work.
Trichotilloma diagnosis.
Most people who have had their brows tattooed in the past will be turned away. Please contact Taylor with a photo of your brows to see if she will take you as a client.
If you are unsure whether or not you can receive microblading, please contact
What to expect during eyebrow appointment?
The talk: how do you normally fill your brows? what do you like/dislike about your brows?
Numbing: a topical lidocaine will be applied to the area and covered with saran wrap.
Measuring + drawing: according to your facial shape and features, your most aesthetically perfect (tailored to your face specifically) brows will be created with thread and a measuring tool, to ensure symmetry. Adjustments can be made based on personal preference.
The color: A shade will be mixed to best match the clients' brow coloring, with exceptions. adjustments will be made according to client preferences.
The process: fine, hair-like strokes will be added to the skin using a sterile, disposable blade (blade size depends on hair width.) the blade deposits pigment into the skin. Initially, clients may feel some discomfort; this quickly subsides as lidocaine is applied throughout the procedure.
Repeat: this will continue until both brows are complete.
(if applicable) ombre + shading: shading is done with a machine, as opposed to manual method.
What to expect after appointment?
Days 2-4: pigment appears sharp and dark. the pigment sits on top of skin and hasn't yet settled in completely. color softens gradually.
Days 5-7: once healing of skin starts to take place, there appears to be dandruff flakes or dry skin. this gives the impression that pigment is fading too quickly, however, this color is superficial; the dry skin is naturally removing pigment from your brows. brows may be itchy. do not itch!
Days 8-12: brows may look as though the pigment has completely faded – do not panic – trust the process.
Days 14-28: brows may still look a little patchy or uneven; pigment will start to "reappear” as the pigment settles and healing continues.
Touch-up/perfecting procedure is completed at the 6-8 week point. no sooner to allow for complete healing.
Pro-tip: once completely healed, always apply a layer of sunscreen spf 30-50 to brows when exposed to the sun. sun exposure causes quicker fading.
How to prepare?
It starts with a good canvas: brow area must be healthy, strong, non-sensitive, and non-irritated.
do not tan two weeks prior to the service, or have a sunburned face.
do not have any type of facial 2 weeks prior to the procedure.
do not work out the day of the procedure.
do not have botox 2 weeks prior to the procedure.
do not take fish oil or vitamin e one week prior to the procedure (natural blood thinners).
do not wax or tint your eyebrows 3 days prior to the procedure.
in order to avoid excessive bleeding and poor color deposit:
do not drink alcohol 24 hours before your tattoo.
do not consume coffee before your procedure.
do not take an aspirin or ibuprofen for pain relief (blood thinners).
A - W - M: absorb, wash, and moisturize.
the day of the treatment: absorb after procedure, gently blot the area with clean tissue to absorb excess lymph fluid. do this every 5 minutes for the full day until oozing has stopped. removing fluid prevents hardening of lymphatic fluids. Days 1-7: wash wash daily to remove bacteria, build up of product and oils, and dead skin (this does not remove pigment!) gently wash brows each morning and night with water and antibacterial soap like dial soap, cetaphil, or neutrogena. with a very light touch, use fingertips to gently cleanse brows. rub the area in a smooth motion for 10 seconds and rinse with water. ensure all soap is rinsed away. to dry, gently pat with a clean tissue. do not use any cleansing products containing acids (glycolic, lactic, or AHA), or exfoliants.
days 1-7: moisturize apply a rice grain amount of aftercare ointment with a cotton swab and spread across the treated area. do not to over-apply. this will suffocate your skin and delay healing. ointment should be barely noticeable on the skin. never put the ointment on a wet or damp tattoo.